Product Reviews

With the thousands of products and brands may wish to buy that available in the market today, Prepper Survival Tools is here to provide reviews about what you should consider buying and what you shouldn’t.

With each item, we take a look at the Cost, Maintenance, Space, and the actual Survival Value or how likely you’ll really be using the product when the SHTF.


Prepper Survival Tools has classified them into eight very broad categories below, and while definitely there will be lots of overlaps or some omissions, we decided to come up with a list of categories that is just the right length as not to become to unreadable, yet with each item descriptive enough to direct you. Beneath each category are subcategories.

Due to the very broad nature of what a prepper needs, you may find that some sub-categories may not have any a very comprehensive article or specific products featured. While the Prepper Survival Tools Editorial Team will try its darn best-est to make articles and write-ups based on the knowledge, experience and research, the different skills and products a prepper may need for his or her individual circumstances and in preparation for his or her vision of how civilization as we know it will end is just too broad for one team of writers . Please feel free to contribute a product review if you have inmate knowledge of a product or an article want to share some expertise with the site.


Main Categories

Apparel: Backpacks, Clothing, Shoes

Outdoor Equipment: Tents, Stoves, Sleeping Bags, Fire starters

Post-Collapse Currency: Items kept primarily for trade purposes

Preserved Food and Food Systems: Food stocks, bottling and canning machines, animal husbandry and agriculture supplies

Utility Tools and Supplies: Generators, Barbed Wire, Bolt Cutters,

Water Storage, Equipment and Systems: Water Storage, Water Purifiers,

Weapons and Self-Defense Products: Firearms, Other Projectile Weapons, Bladed Weapons, Chemical Sprays, Others

Miscellaneous: Everything Else not Found in the main Categories


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